First 100 Days
This page aims to roughly explain how I approach the first 100 Days of coming into an organization as a QA Manager and the priorities I would work towards (order may of course vary based on circumstance):
Assess the QA Department & Project
One of the first things I've done at most companies is to try and talk to as many stakeholders as possible, prioritizing my QA Team and Department Leads. Find out what's working, what's not working - a SWOT analysis of sorts. Assess cross-department collaboration, available documentation, what dependencies are being met and which aren't, assessing the state of test coverage, process effectiveness, etc.
Assess the Project (Data-Driven)
Next it's important to look at the data. What's been tracked, what's missing and what's the state of the project based on what's being tracked. Assess Roadmaps, the current trajectory and future predictions based on available data. Establish Dashboards, track new metrics, evaluate and have discussions around findings.
Build Relationships & Trust
This part is about digging deeper after formal introductions have taken place. Focusing on things that haven't been working, and the root cause for that.
Eisenhower Matrix
Establish what's important within the project to get done right away vs. what can wait.
Identifying Gaps & Quick Wins
Figure out where there are gaps within the QA Department to deliver on expectations and how to solve for those gaps. Identify quick wins in the things that can be optimized.
Refocus Testing Strategies
Re-Align QA goals with the current development stage and re-align priorities alongside stakeholders.
Tackle QA Department specific issues
Essentially: Everything else. Making sure role expectations are in place, continuing with familiarizing with the team and their unique individual challenges, digging deeper into QA Specific challenges (whether it's around People or Processes) and start coaching, addressing issues, expectation management, etc from there.